Rapid prototyping -3D printing & scanning
Additive printing has been a huge part of my arsenal of tools for rapid prototyping, but until not too long ago it was through third-party services. A few months ago, I added FDM printing to my services capabilities, the Snapmaker A-350, a three in one 3DPrinter, CNC mill and Laser cutter. Allowing for simple models […]
Crowd Funding in Israel
Back in 2013 the world of crowdfunding has started to really pave its way into awareness, butI kept seeing Israeli entrepreneurs failing with awesome ideas, So I wrote what I believe to be the very first article about how to do it right , and it was accepted to Calaclist, one Israel prominent business & economy daily news site […]
Solar impulse has reached 500 chosen solutions:
Solar impulse has reached 500 chosen solutions: https://tinyurl.com/SolarImpulse500 and as an evaluator, some of the solutions were checked by me ? The solar impulse foundation is an activity I volunteer for as it fits with my long term , healthy Earth philosophy, unlike the start-up ecosphere which I belong to, to reach the approval and […]